Background Check New Jersey

BACKGROUNDCHECKNJ is a licensed private investigation agency in New Jersey, specializing in criminal background investigations. If the company you are currently using for your background checks is not licensed in New Jersey, you are not getting a full and accurate statewide criminal record search, or you may be experiencing unnecessary delays. The only method of conducting a full and accurate statewide felony and misdemeanor search of criminal records (from 1950 to the present) is through the New Jersey State Police.

New Jersey laws state that New Jersey Licensed Private Investigators (with a minimum of five years prior law enforcement experience) may conduct a criminal record searches through the State Police for employment purposes. Only high volume, depository accounts, receive priority access to these criminal records. The results include not only felony arrests, but also misdemeanor offenses!

“Online” background investigation companies cannot access these records directly through the New Jersey State Police or compete on a time service basis. They are resorting to the promotion of what is sometimes referred to as a Statewide All County Felony search or Corrections Database searches. The Statewide All County Search system is called the Promise Gavel computer system and has only felony records from each county. Misdemeanor convictions are not available on this system. Misdemeanors are crimes that are punishable by up to one year in jail. The Corrections Database Search is inquiries made into individual states correctional records to determine if the applicant has a record. If the applicant did not spend time in a state correctional facility or received PTI (Pre Trial Intervention), a record will not be found in this search. Roughly four to six percent of the U.S. adult population has a felony conviction! Any company relying on these type of criminal record searches should be aware that an applicant could very well have a criminal record even though these searches did not develop a criminal record on the applicant.

BACKGROUNDCHECKNJ is a full service investigative agency consisting of retired law enforcement officers with over 150 years of experience. BackgroundcheckNJ provides an array of services;

  • State and Federal Background Checks
  • Sex Offender Searches
  • Social Security Number Validation
  • Fingerprinting Services
  • Credit Reports
  • Bankruptcy, Liens, Judgements
  • Physical Surveillance

Please feel free to contact us to speak to an agent, or to set up an account. (844)584-9800.